The New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) invests in a network of community-based organizations and programs to alleviate the effects of poverty and to provide opportunities for New Yorkers and communities to flourish.
8RES is offering an Emerging Supervisor Cohort program.
Emerging Supervisors from 20 DYCD Funded nonprofit organizations will be selected in November to participate in this program, which will begin in December 2025.
“Organizational capacity refers to the resources, skills, and functions a nonprofit organization (NPO) needs to fulfill its mission across multiple domains” (Despard, 2016). Due to the tax structure of 501c organizations and the nature of the nonprofit sector, many nonprofits lack operational capacity. Capacity issues can encompass day-to-day management, dealing with sensitive situations, and guiding team members toward increased effectiveness. A critical area that is often inadequately supported is the training and development of new supervisors and emerging leaders. Navigating the challenges of supervision requires not just a solid foundation but also a community of peers to share and grow with. Our Emerging Supervisor Cohort Series aims to develop strong peer connections and practical knowledge. Key elements that drive the cohort activities include the following: Structure and Inclusivity: Whether you're just stepping into a supervisory role or you've guided teams before, this cohort is structured to support your journey. Each series is a curated experience, bringing together staff from similar stages in their leadership path because there's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to professional growth. Peer Learning: In these cohorts, you’ll find yourself amongst peers — fellow supervisors who understand the day-to-day realities of your work. This isn't about lecturing; it's about collaborative learning, shared experiences, and collective wisdom. You'll discuss real-world scenarios, exchange strategies, and work through challenges together. Leadership Skills Development: And as for leadership skills, we focus on the practical aspects that make an immediate difference. Communication, conflict resolution, team motivation — these are just a few of the areas we'll tackle. The idea is to take these skills and put them into practice right away in your role as a supervisor. Through this shared learning experience, you’ll build not just skills, but also a network of support that extends beyond the series. It’s about creating a community that uplifts every member, shaping stronger leaders who, in turn, build stronger teams.
You must be an emerging nonprofit leader for a DYCD funded CBO who has recently assumed a position that includes managing staff. Applicants should have some level of management responsibilities that includes the management of staff, interns, vendors, and/or volunteers, and may also include significant project or cross-function al management. Your organization must receive funding from DYCD and you must have the support of your Executive Director / CEO. In the event that your organization's CEO/ED is not available, another supervisor such as your organization's COO or CHRO may give approval.
All of the costs associated with the fellowship are underwritten by DYCD. The program is effectively free for applicants and their organizations.
Component I: Baseline Identification
Cohort members complete individual capacity assessments aligned to the course competencies and identify an improvement goal to focus on for the duration of the program, which is often prioritized in group coaching sessions. Coaching is also available through 1:1 office hours.
Component II: In-Person Workshops
Cohort members will attend in-person workshops over 6 days that promote active learning and collaboration. The dates, times, and topics of the workshops will be shared when the application is released.
Component III: Group Coaching Sessions
Cohort members will attend four group coaching sessions (virtual and in-person - TBD with the group). Our mentors and veteran leaders who share their experience, wisdom, and joy, giving Emerging Supervisors a road map to a long and rewarding career.
The Emerging Supervisor Cohort is designed to take participants through a series of professional development workshops, group coaching, and optional individual coaching office hours that facilitate improvement in key managerial competencies.
Accepted members are expected to attend all sessions and to arrange coaching (if needed) throughout the entirety of the program. Participants will be expected to have no more than one absence while in the program and will be expected to complete an individual capacity assessment by December 2024 and in April 2025.
Applicants will need to complete the Emerging Supervisor Cohort 2025 application to be considered. This is a competitive process and all information entered into the application will be evaluated by a selection committee. Cohort members will be selected by a committee based on their application.
If you are interested in this capacity building opportunity, please email either joe@8RES.org or hersh@8RES.org to ensure you get an application as soon as they are released.
Applications due November 31, 2024
Cohort members are selected by December 15, 2024.
Workshop dates: January through April, 2025
If you have any questions, please email Joe at joe@8RES.org or Hiershenee at hersh@8RES.org.